Children’s Hospital Laplje Selo – Gračanica

August – November 2018

In early 2018 SAMA got in touch with Dr Jelena Krdžić, a pediatrist at the Children’s Hospital in Laplje Selo, Gračanica.  This Health Center is facing numerous problems, operating out of inadequate facilities (old KFOR military barracks), chronic lack of medicines, and lack of very basic medical instruments and equipment. At the same time, there was increased demand for Health Center services, not only among Serbian but also among local Albanian population.

SAMA collected donations to help this Health Center during our annual walk event in Washington DC  in May 2018. Subsequently we delivered number of new instruments to the Health Center as can be seen below in August 2018, and  Dr. Ivan Aksentijevich and Zoran Mladenović visited the Health Center in October 2018.  After the visit SAMA decided to donate 20 new mattresses to the Health Center significantly improving patient comfort.

Total value of SAMA donation to the HC in Gračanica was  almost $15,000.

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November 26th, 2018: 20 new mattresses delivered to KBC Gračanica

During our visit to Laplje Selo and Gračanica in October 2018, we discussed donation of 4 beds that was originally requested in addition to the other medical equipment that was delivered. What we realized is that beds are not in so bad shape as mattresses are, and we suggested that instead of 4 beds SAMA donates 20 mattresses. These 20 mattresses, with covers, imported from Italy and certified for hospital use, were delivered to Children’s Clinic in Laplje Selo and KBC Gračanica. Hopefully they will make patients stay much more comfortable. This concludes our project for Children’s Clinic in Laplje Selo with a total donation worth almost $15,000.

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October 4th, 2018: SAMA Visit to Laplje Selo and Gračanica

During the 2018 SAMA Walk in Washington DC, we collected funds to help Children’s Clinic in Laplje Selo, Kosovo and in late August SAMA delivered a patient monitor, defibrillator, pulse-oxymeter and blood pressure monitor. Today, we visited both the Children’s Clinic and the hospital in Gračanica. Both of them are operating in very sub-standard and non-adequate conditions The needs are big, and those medical instruments that SAMA has donated will certainly help. But even more, they really appreciated our visit.

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August 31st, 2018: New equipment delivered to Children’s Clinic in Laplje Selo, Gračanica

The following equipment was delivered earlier today to the Children’s Clinic in Laplje Selo:

  • Patient Monitor Bionet BM5
  • Nihon Kohden 5621K defibrillator with adapter for pediatric use
  • Pulse Oxymeter Palm Care Plus with the SpO2 children’s sensor
  • Riester RI 1362RB blood pressure monitor with adapters for children

Total value of the equipment donated by SAMA is approx. $8,800. We are working to procure additional equipment requested by the Clinic (4 hospital beds and examination table).

Funds for this donation were collected during the Sixth Annual SAMA Walk in May 2018. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this great donation!

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